Natural Forest Standard
The Natural Forest Standard has developed a framework specific to nature-based carbon credits and focuses entirely on natural climate solutions. The forest-based carbon credits that are the result of effective forest protection actions are issued as Natural Capital Credits. The straight-forward approach to protecting natural forests is key to the success of the Natural Forest Standard. The team believe in a holistic approach to natural climate solutions, whereby it is only truly effective if there are multiple benefits to the environment and the planet as a whole.
They do this by giving equal focus to the sectors of carbon, natural capital and community. Forest carbon projects are crucial to the natural climate solutions we need to support the environment. Natural Capital Credits help to align motivations to reduce carbon impacts with effective nature based carbon credit solutions, he says. They (carbon credits) can help us achieve climate targets individually, collectively and globally, and can help all of us focus on the important job of protecting threatened natural forests. This can happen through the effective mechanisms available to us.
There are a number of targets and obligations that can be met through the effective utilisation of Natural Capital Credits. They can really help to tell the story of how effective natural forest carbon credits come into existence and how they contribute to the global climate change issue.
Restoring and protecting forests
The rainforests of the world are being devastated at an alarming rate, and the most effective way to stop this is to put a value on the standing trees and ensure that they are recognised to be worth more in their existing state rather than being destroyed. It is important that every opportunity is taken to protect these invaluable areas of land, and the positive benefits this can provide for helping to mitigate climate change.
Forest restoration and protection helps support the existence of vast areas of natural forest, which includes the protection of the biodiversity and ecosystems within them. This is along with the protection of communities and bringing them additional benefits.
Carbon credits that come from projects using the Natural Forest Standard are issued as Natural Capital Credits.
These natural capital credits solutions focus on addressing climate and deforestation impacts that affect the natural resources of our planet.
Why nature-based carbon projects are important
Conservation of biodiversity and sustainability of ecosystems are crucial to the health of the planet as a whole. Each species within the ecosystem plays a role in maintaining the health of the planet.
By protecting these areas, the natural forest absorbs more carbon from the atmosphere. These projects can lead to achieving carbon credits as a signal of successful project implementation, and supporting positive environmental benefits.
The Amazon rainforest is one such ecosystem that is rich in biodiversity and provides many natural capital benefits for us all. Deforestation threatens many species within the Amazon, but through REDD projects such as the Trocano project, these natural forests can be effectively protected.