Nature-based Carbon Credits

Nature based solutions include projects which protect areas of natural forest. Forests are crucial in the fight against climate change. Protecting forests that are under threat from deforestation or degradation means the carbon the trees store remains stored, and don’t become emissions as they are released into the atmosphere when deforestation occurs. This makes it possible for individuals and companies to use carbon credits to offset their emissions.

Natural Capital Credits are derived from forest protection projects, such as the Trocano project in the Amazon region of Brazil. These carbon credits each represent the equivalent of one tonne of CO2e emissions reduced or removed from the atmosphere. As a direct result of these natural capital credits being achieved, the recipients (end users) are able to avail of the environmental benefits they signify. Each carbon credit can be used to offset carbon emissions. They also signify that vital rainforest areas have been protected and that the trees, biodiversity and species remain intact. Another benefit is to the local communities who reside in these areas, and funds generated from the sale of carbon credits can provide them with enhanced access to such things as healthcare, clean drinking water and improved community buildings.

Contributing to emissions reductions projects like natural forest carbon credits means you are helping to protect a valuable piece of our planet, reducing your impact on the climate and in an extremely effective and efficient way.

Natural Forest Standard projects generating carbon credits can help achieve positive impacts. There are many tangible benefits of Natural Capital Credits, which all positively impact the climate, the environment and the planet as a whole.

How it works

To use nature-based carbon credits in the most effective way, involves using them to offset your carbon emissions. Individuals and companies can use them to offset their carbon emissions, whilst simultaneously be helping to protect natural forest standard project areas, and contribute to the mitigation of climate change. How Natural Capital Credits work:

  • An area is identified as an area that is at risk of deforestation. This area must be protected for the benefit of the environment, the biodiversity and the communities in equal measures.
  • The project must be a nature-based natural forest to comply with the Natural Forest Standard.
  • The project will generate carbon credits throughout its duration, by effectively avoiding the carbon emissions that would have occurred from deforestation if the project was not applied.
  • Natural Capital Credits are issued to the project after it has demonstrated that it complies with the Natural Forest Standard framework.
  • The carbon credits that are issued denote the tonnes of CO2 that have been avoided from being released into the atmosphere on an annual basis.
  • The Trocano project is the largest REDD project using the Natural Forest Standard framework and has successfully achieved Natural Capital Credits for protecting 1.3 million hectares of Amazon rainforest.

The implementation of carbon credits projects is one of the most effective ways to drive a positive strategy and mitigate climate impacts, and carbon emissions.

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